frequently asked questions
does cc-modeler incorporate shrinkage factors?
Many call centers still use a 'shrinkage factor' to cater for
the effect of agents being away (vacation, sick etc).
This shrinkage factor can be up to 10-15% on top of actual
rostering requirements.
works on actual required people ('bums on seats') - we deliberately do
not have an embedded 'shrinkage factor' calculation.
reason is that in any one period, things like vacation and absenteeism do
not affect every shift equally. They also do not occur evenly from day to
day and week to week.
a shrinkage percent uplift to all shifts just means you end up with
overstaffing in your center (actually quite significant overstaffing in
some cases).
conclusion is that shrinkage factors are a remnant from a bygone era.
Hint: In cc-Modeler,
to analyse the effect on your service performance of one or more agents being
away on a particular shift simply select the required shift (on the 'Staffing'
tab) and reduce the number of agents by one (or more).